The Amputee's Guide To Sex Summary

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Jimmy Jacobs Ms. Kristen English 101 28 September 2015 Essay 1 “The Amputee’s Guide to Sex” by Jillian Weise isn’t necessarily a poem or a story. It’s simply instructions for those with amputated to limbs to hide them from there partner during sex. There is three simple sets of instructions for the amputees to follow to make intercourse as smooth as possible for them. The amputees want to hide their fake limbs from there partners yet there partner already knows they’re an amputee. The amputees must struggle with their physical appearance. They must have a very poor self-esteem when it comes to appearance. Especially the amputees that used to have full limbs and now don’t must have major problems. I personally am not an amputee but I feel for those who are. I could see how they would be scared or nervous to remove there fake limb to have sex. The amputees constantly make up …show more content…

“When they see the half limb they become inhibited, nervous”. Weise is trying to say the amputee is so self-conscious about their disability that their partner is scared of them and won’t want to have sex anymore because they are scared or disgusted. But in all reality the partner doesn’t care about the prosthetic limb for if they did they wouldn’t be having sex at all. “Would it hurt like this?” “Would she tell me if it did”. The author shows this point of view for the purpose of showing the partners point of view. The partner wants the amputee to feel comfortable and not feel any embarrassment or pain. Weise then goes onto say that mobility is key. Mobility shows confidence in yourself and that you’re not scared. The amputee has a lot going on, on their mind during this time. The partner also has a lot going on in their mind too. The amputee isn’t the only one stressing. The partner doesn’t want to cause uncomfort to the amputee because it would just be a bad awkward experience for both

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