The American Constitution: The Constitution Of The Constitution

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Amending America The Constitution being a “living document” refers to the idea that the Constitution is open to interpretation outside of the intentions of the framers. The concept relates to the fact that society is constantly changing and therefore the principals of how the society is run must adapt to the ongoing changes. The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia discouraged the idea of the living Constitution, declaring that the Constitution should only be understood in the terms of the people who wrote it. This objective is known as “originalism”, and it depends on the angles of the Founding Fathers as the only analysis of the Constitution. Laws and precedents are constantly being added and modified to conform to contemporary political, …show more content…

Ferguson was interpreted in a way that it would still be upheld through segregated facilities (Wolff). In the case of Brown vs. Board of Education, however, the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment found segregation of public schools unconstitutional (Strauss). The Constitution must have been living in order for it to be reinterpreted and to affirm a precedent that was set as constitutionally sound, as unconstitutional. As Strauss says, “A living constitution is one that evolves, changes over time, and adapts to new circumstances, without formally being amended. On the one hand, the answer has to be yes; there is no realistic alternative to a living constitution.” According to Strauss, and proven by this example, the constitution must be living because it will eventually contradict itself, and when the constitution is unconstitutional what are the laws, and what are our …show more content…

It is impossible to interpret a text with no notion of these social contentions, in compliance with current demands. David A Strauss, Professor at Chicago University and author of “The Living Constitution” asked the proper question, “why should we allow people who lived long ago, in a different world, to decide fundamental questions about our government and society today?” There will always be a need for the government to adapt to the evolving society. The framers of the Constitution intentionally created the text to be profoundly vague and ambiguous to allow for flexibility and loose interpretation (Hammer). Without the ability to reanalyze and break down the Constitution with the adjustment of time, the rights and demands of the citizens could not be successfully

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