The Alchemyst Quotes

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Do you believe in magic? If not, there may be something that will change your mind. The Alchemyst by Michael Scott is a book about amazing magic in a modern day setting. The novel takes place in San Francisco, a city known as a seemingly normal and famous city, but what makes it so famous? Is it the Golden Gate Bridge or maybe it is the fact that it is located in California? Neither, the real answer lies within the main plot, magic and its adventures. “If we die, then the evil we have so long fought against will triumph, and will claim this earth again.” This quote by Nicholas Flamel from chapter four, page thirty-one represents the plot of this story and its character’s very well. Nicholas Flamel, an immortal alchemyst uses a book known as the Codex to keep him and his wife from aging. Along with their magic and the gift of immortality, they had been the protectors of Earth’s biggest threat, the Dark Elders. A long time ago, the Elder race created Earth and ruled over it. Many myths and legends refer to them as gods. After Abraham the Mage created the humani, the Elder race was long forgotten. Some of them now seek revenge on the Earth and use multiple humani to do their dirty work. One man known by the name of Dee was one of their lackeys and stole the Codex from Flamel, but in the …show more content…

Sun and Moon. Gold and Silver.” The prophecy that would bring about the end of the Dark Elders. This quote affects the characters because it is the basis for the plot. Sophie and Josh are the two that are one, Josh with a gold aura and Sophie with the silver aura. According to the first prophecy of Abraham the Mage, these two were to bring about the end of the Elder race. Nicholas Flamel was the immortal mortal in the prophecy. It was his duty to train the two young magicians to fight off the gods. Along with the aid of a vampire (not the blood sucking type), werewolves, and a goddess of their own, they were to destroy the Elder

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