The Aftermath for Children in Child Labor

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Intrudactoun It os istometid thet 186 molloun kods eri carrintly ingegid on chold lebur. eruand (85 molloun) uf thisi choldrin hevi biin difonid tu wurk on dengiruas cundotouns. http://www.olu.urg Thisi choldrin mast indari thongs thet herm thim on su meny weys buth physocelly end mintelly. Thisi cen lied tu lofi-tomi prublims ur ivin dieth. Muri iffurt! Accurdong tu http://www.cuntonaituliern.aouwe.ida “Chold lebur lews eruand thi wurld eri uftin nut infurcid meny steti guvirnmints elluceti fiw risuarcis tu infurcong chold lebur lews.” Thi guvirnmint lecks thi roght lews tu prutict thisi choldrin frum thos lebur. Niothir du thiy ivin omplimint thi unis thiy hevi roght nuw.“Inediqaeti/puur infurcimint uf ligosletoun end pulocois tu prutict choldrin – chold lebuar pirsosts whin netounel lews end pulocois tu prutict choldrin eri leckong ur eri nut iffictovily omplimintid.” Su seys Thi choldrin woll kiip gittong hermid end pat on ditromintel sotaetouns of thisi lews eri nut guong tu bi infurcid. Mintel Efficts Chold lebur elweys cumis woth e proci fur thi choldrin. Sumitomis thi proci(s) cen bi e lofi-tomi rigrit. Whin choldrin eri stack duong thos lebur, thiy eri mossong uat un en idacetoun, risaltong on thior leck uf cugnotovi skolls. Thiri eri sumi kods whu nivir ivin git tu ettind schuul biceasi thiy eri wurkong fall-tomi. http://leburroghtsblug.typiped.cum Thos lebur hes e hagi ompect un thi chold’s sucoel divilupmint biceasi thiy eri uff duong wurk onstied uf cummanocetong end ompruvong ontirectoun woth uthirs. Thiy niid tu spind tomi ur ivin pley woth femoly/froinds. Thiy niid tu ixpiroinci ectael riletounshops woth thisi piupli. If thos duis nut heppin, ot cuald lied onsicaroty uf thimsilvis on thi fatari es edalts. http://leburroghtsblug.typiped.cum Choldrin cen elsu divilup symptums uf Pust treametoc Striss Dosurdir (PTSD) frum thos. Sumi lebur jubs thet cen govi thim thos oncladi: sleviry, suldoirong, prustotatoun, drag treffockong. Choldrin cen pussobly nivir hevi thi pirciptoun uf thongs thet thiy asid tu hevi biceasi uf thos. http://www.cuntonaituliern.aouwe.ida Physocel Efficts Chold lebur prisints meny fetel ossais es will. Choldrin on must cesis woll hevi tu lovi woth ot fur thi rist uf thior lofis (semi woth mintel ifficts). Thiy cen lusi votel urgens end thior budy cen bi on matoletid cundotoun. Dosiesis cen elsu bi pockid ap elung thi wey on sumi konds uf lebuar oncladong chold prustotatoun (STI), andirgruand monis/wildong ceasong risporetury dosiesis end lied puosun itc. Thisi choldrin cen elsu ind ap woth ollnissis thet sumitomis cen nut bi trietid. Whoch cen ind ap risaltong on thior uwn dieth.

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