Exploring Acceptance and Boundaries in Teenagers: A Study of 'The Adoration of Jenna Fox'

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The Adoration of Jenna Fox

In the novel “The Adoration of Jenna Fox” written by Mary E Pearson, two important ideas that are shown throughout the novel is Acceptance and Boundaries. Acceptance is important to a teenager because they are going through that time in there life where most things about them change and they just have to accept that. Boundaries is shown in the way that Jenna’s parents hold her back and don't allow her to go to school or to stay in London and every teenager feels like there parents are to controlling and over step there boundaries.

In the novel “The Adoration of Jenna Fox” Jenna finds herself not knowing who she is anymore or how to accept herself. When Jenna finds out from her parents that she is 90% biogel and

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