The Abuse Of Power In William Shakespeare's Othello

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Power commonly dissipates when people fail to succeed in reaching their goals. To begin, William Shakespeare's, Othello is about a black man, Othello, who falls in love with a white woman, Desdemona. This causes conflict in the city of Venice because an inter-race marriage is unlike social norms. Moreover, a man named Iago initiated a plan to manipulate Othello into believing that Desdemona is seeing Cassio, another man in Venice. Othello is greatly influenced and believes that he should murder his wife for this misconception. The play ceased with Desdemona dying by Othello’s violence, Othello killing himself for his shameful actions, and Iago receiving punishment. All in all, conflict arose due to Iago’s mischievous plan to control Othello’s thoughts. First off, people initially receive power from social and political sources. This power helps people control others. Characters in the play misused their power and used it to manipulate others. As a result, the characters do not succeed and lose their power by abusing it. Characters in William Shakespeare's, Othello, misuse their given power to manipulate others, therefore, they are not successful in reaching their goals.
Characters retain power from social and political sources, which leads them to have the ability to …show more content…

To begin, people receive power in multiple ways. Prior to the story, characters already obtain social and political power above others. Therefore, some characters often misuse their social or political power by manipulating others. As a result, they end up losing all their power and have failed in controlling others. Overall, when people are in power, they often take advantage of it to control others. The power often causes people to fail in reaching their goals by manipulating others. Consequently, people lose their power when misused. All in all, the loss of power is caused by abusing it by controlling

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