Thank You Ma Am Quotes

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In the short story “Thank You Ma’am” by Langston Hughes, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones is a determined person. To be determined means making a firm decision and following through with it till the end. In the story, it is evidently shown that Ms. Jones is determined to make Roger realize his mistake and teach him a lesson. Ms. Jones says “Now you ain’t ashamed of yourself?”... “You ought to be my son. I would teach you right from wrong” (Hughes, 72-73). This quote evidently shows that Ms. Jones wants Roger to accept his actions and learn from them. She is determined to teach him the power in doing the right thing because she also made mistakes when she was younger. She states this to roger as well as how she reflects and learns from them. As a result of Ms. Jones want for a better future for Roger, her determination plays a major role. …show more content…

Jones is also a trusting person. To be trusting means believing in an individual undoubtedly and unsuspiciously. Mrs. Jones is seen placing a lot of trust in Roger, a stranger, whom she brings home with her without thinking twice. The narrator says “The woman did not look to see if the boy would run now, nor did she watch her purse which she had left on the daybed” (Hughes, 75). This quote evidently shows the trust and belief she had developed for Roger despite knowing for such a small time. It takes can take a lot of time for trust to develop and seconds to break. She was wise and determined that Roger would make the right choice and stay where he was. Ms. Jones determination and kindness binds together to form the trust she has for Roger and vice versa as Roger doesn’t break this trust. It can be said that her genuine trust in Roger helps him learn from his

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