Complex Characters In The Mouse Trap

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Characters in any story can be complex and these characters control the plot and theme of the story. In class, we read The Mousetrap which is a murder mystery and the key in a murder mystery is that you never know is guilty until the very end. These types of stories constantly throw information at you that seems suspicious. When the murder actually does happen, you don’t know who is guilty because all of the characters have acted suspicious and done suspicious things. This obviously makes the characters complex because you learn about their personalities and how they could have something to do with the murder. In The Mousetrap, the complex character I chose was Sergeant Trotter. He was the character that no one expected because he was the authority …show more content…

The biggest thing that I think would happen is that he would have been more loyal the Thomas Marvel. Griffin had a golden opportunity to get an accomplice, but he was constantly being rude and demanding orders from Thomas, which was why he left. Trotter would have Thomas as a loyal companion and they could have done it all together. The subplot could have still evident. After Trotter would be killed, since they were so loyal to each other, Thomas would want to continue his legacy of being Invisible, so he would have turned invisible and continued what he started. This would effect the theme and the new theme could have been that loyalty pays off overtime. Trotter and Thomas were loyal to each other so Thomas got to continue his legacy once he …show more content…

For example the theme of things are not what they seem can be used in The Most Dangerous Game because at first General Zaroff seems like a loyal and nice guy because he lets Rainsford in his home and is friendly to him and gives him food. But as Rainsford stays there longer, things get suspicious and he finds out that the game the Zaroff plays is hunting humans. In Contents of a Dead Man’s pocket (this could be more of a secondary theme), Tom’s wife was always loyal to him and loved him, so when he was on that ledge, he realized what was really important in his life. His job was controlling his life and stopped his work to be with his wife because of how loyal she was to him. These themes connect to contemporary issues because loyalty does pay off. If you are loyal to your someone and they are loyal to you, there will be a strong relationship between the two and it will begin to build stronger from there. Also you can’t automatically trust everyone in this world. They may not be what they seem like they are say they are. That’s why you have to establish a relationship before you trust them. These stories have taught valuable life lessons through their themes that can be used for the rest of our

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