Texting And Driving Essay

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It may seem like common sense not to send texts while behind the wheel, but many people still engage in this dangerous practice. Young people are especially susceptible to the lure of texting and driving, especially in the current era of perpetual connectivity. Other factors, including stress over emergencies and the fear of missing important business communications, influence whether or not people attempt to pay attention to the road and their phones at the same time.

Regardless of the reasons, texting and driving is always a bad idea. Forty-six U.S. states consider the dangers to be serious enough to warrant laws against this type of multitasking. Zapping a text off to a friend while behind the wheel is illegal in these states whether or …show more content…

You only have to look at news headlines to see the devastating consequences when truck drivers or bus drivers text behind the wheel. These incidents have resulted in large numbers of vehicle-related deaths, and it’s not a problem to which you want to contribute. Consider your passengers and the other motorists on the road before you decide to send a text. Their safety is just as important as yours, and being addicted to your phone is no excuse for putting them in jeopardy.

Safety should always be the number one priority when driving. Think about the amount of information you’re required to process even on a simple drive to the grocery store. Stop lights, signs, the actions of other drivers and even navigating the familiar curves of local roads all vie for your attention, and you can’t afford to spare even a few moments on something as trivial as a text message.

It’s important for parents to teach teens about mobile device safety when giving driving lessons. Young drivers aren’t yet used to the amount of concentration required to stay safe on the road, and they may feel “good enough” at texting to attempt it while they’re driving. Laying down ground rules and explaining the reasons behind them helps teens to understand why it’s a bad idea to do anything with a cell phone while trying to operate a

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