Texas Chainsaw Massacre Research Paper

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a 1974 horror film that caused much controversy upon its release. The film was banned in several countries due to the amount of violence it shows, and the chaotic environment it created. It is a movie about a murderous family of cannibals, led by a maniac with a chainsaw. While it is so controversial, this film went on to be one of the best horror films ever made, while also being extremely successful at the box office. This success proves that people want to watch these types of realist horror, which asks the question; should realist horror be censored? First I will show an example of two famous philosophers, and what they might have to say about censorship of an art form. In Plato’s Republic, he talks about …show more content…

Another argument that pops up with realism horror is that it may promote the violent lifestyles that it portrays. It is pretty easy for a person to watch a horror film in the theatre, enjoy it, but then leave the theatre realizing that they would never partake in what they just watched. Except there are many examples of real life killers that were inspired by fictional killers. John Hinckley, Jr. committed his crime after obsessively identifying with character Travis Bickle in the film Taxi Driver. Arthur Bremer, an assassin who was inspired by the character Alex in A Clockwork Orange. This shows how we need to encourage critical interaction with films, specifically realist horror films. I think you must learn how to connect with a fictional villain, while understanding the line that is drawn between fiction and reality. It is common to connect with these villians, which is the purpose of these films. No one should be able to say whether another person is able to critically understand a film, and anyone who doesn’t approve of these films is able to make the decision not to watch them. But like philosopher Matthew Kieran says, "we must also protect those most susceptible to the appeals of violence, which violent films may provoke and

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