Terrorism in George Bush's 2001 State of the Union Address

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Terrorism in George Bush's 2001 State of the Union Address Recently, President Bush gave his State of the Union Address to Congress. Throughout his speech, he makes a solid case for the further unification of America throughout these harsh times. He makes a very strong argument for the retaliation of the actions committed against America. However, when he speaks of bringing the terrorists to justice, his argument falters. He has made a hasty judgement with little proof when he first began his argument. Bush also presented a very strong argument in support America’s unification process. He speaks of the American people and what he has already witnessed in past weeks, such as the lighting of candles, the prayers of Americans, the outpouring of monetary support. He builds his case that America is good and what America is doing right now is good. He then goes on to speak of all of the evils that the terrorist groups have committed, and how the Taliban hates and oppresses even its own people, “The Afghanistan people have been brutalized; many are starving and have fled. Women are not allowed to attend school. You can be arrested for owning a television. Religion can be practiced only as their leader’s dictate. A man can be jailed there if his beard is too long.” President Bush shares this information in an effort to show just how evil the regime in Afghanistan is. In so doing, it serves to point out the differences between the Americans and those from Afghanistan. This argument is further strengthened by his explanation of how these people hate us simply for our way of life. Their goal is to totally destroy the way that we live. Bush states, “They hate what we see right here in this chamber a democratically el... ... middle of paper ... ...rists are the destroyers of freedoms. They represent everything that we stand against and it is our duty to help rid the world of these people. It is this message that Bush’s speech most strongly conveys. This also requires the unification of the country, as does any war. America could not be fighting without the support of the American people backing it. As a president, it is part of their job to help unify without feuling that fire of hatred in the nation during a war. He helps to ease the hatred that is already afflicting this country. Overall, Bush very well accomplished what he had set out to accomplish in this speech. The only thing that would have really strengthened his argument for war would have been to give more proof as to why the people we are attacking committed this crime. Bibliography: Bush,George. "State of the union address" 2001

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