Tell Tale Heart Compare Contrast Essay

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People all around the world come with many different traits qualities many of which we adore and many we dislike. the major themes in both stories are guilt and decent into madness.what Edgar Allan Poe and saki are try to tell the readers or audience is that actions have consequences and sometimes we don't realize things until it's too late.

In Tell tale heart the author Edgar Allan Poe shows that the connection between the narrator and old man, was much stronger before the old man's vulture eye drove the narrator crazy. the quote that the narator says. “Object there was none.Passion there was none. I loved the old man.” This quote is explaining to the audience that before the old man got the vulture eye, the narrator loved the old man. …show more content…

the narrator then said. ¨Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees--very gradually--I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.¨the narrator is trying to tell the audience that the eye is driving him insane and the only option he has is to kill the old man. this relates to the thesis because at this point he made up his mind to kill the old man and is going to affect him later on.

near the end of the short story interlopers Ulrich and Georg end up getting caught under a tree branch and dying from wolves. Here's how it unfolds. after he killed the old man he then let out a bone shivering laugh and said.Both Ulrich and Georg both go out in the forest to hunt for each other but the are the ones that end up being caught.This paraphrase is try to explain that when they ended up finding each other, carma kinda hits them. So that's why they end up being stuck with each other. This relates to the thesis because they went through all this fighting over a small piece of land when they could have compromised and shared the land. Ulrich and Georg ended up takeing too long and they both

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