Article Review Of The Article: Teen, Virtual Environments And Information Literacy

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The article titled “Teens, virtual environments and information literacy” By Jamshid Beheshti explores how technology, such as cellphones, are impacting how teenagers and young adult learn. Beheshti’s article agrees that cellphones have made it easier to access information, but it also argues that it has caused teenagers/young adults to lack basic skills in information and made it more difficult to comprehended information. On page 4, Paragraph 5, the author explains, “While technically savvy, many of the teenagers are most likely to be information illiterate. The article focuses on how teenagers during 2012 live in a more technological advanced era and the main focus is on how it affects how they learn. In this article research is done by observing teenagers in a school setting and studying the way they process information. The warranting assumptions that I noticed when reading this is that teenagers use their phone to learn important information. The author, Jamshid Beheshti is Principal investigator on a Social Sciences and Humanities …show more content…

Although this is an ongoing investigation, this article still identifies a few of the main issues that come from the overuse of cellphones among teenagers. This source came from authors Shari Walsh, Katherine White and Ross Young who teach at the School of Psychology and Counselling, Queensland University of Technology, and Brisbane, Australia. This journal was published by Australian Journal of Psychology in December 2010. The authors have excellent credentials that make them knowledgeable in both technology and psychology. As I have mention Psychology is an important credential when it comes to my research. The reason is I want my author to be an expert on knowing the human mind and how it works. This will help me as a writer validate that cellphone have an effect on the mind of

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