Teen Depression

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Dylan Klebold had depression. There was no doubt after his journal was revealed that he had depression. His parents did not notice his struggle with this illness. His enormous feeling of worthlessness and sadness directed him to his violent outburst with Eric Harris. Eric Harris wasn't depressed just angry. His anger fueled Dylan's small frustration with himself to lead to violence. Depression is a severe issue; it can lead to violence, anger, suicide, murder and several many things.
Depression is different than the occasional sadness or "blues". Depression is persistent and often interferes with the person's ability to get along with their parents and friends. Like Dylan, his depression was over a 2 year period or longer. It hinders with schoolwork and that person's ability to interact with others. They trouble to participate in normal day activities. Although not many teens show signs of depression, like Dylan Klebold, there are several ways to recognize depression; if they exhibit extreme and enduring sadness (Bonin). Also they may show constant anxiety or empty feelings; they may feel hopeless, worthless, or helpless. They may exhibit frequent crying episodes, or an increase in agitation and restlessness. Fatigue, decreased energy, loss of interest and difficulty concentrating are also common. It may be hard for them to remember details and make decisions. Their sleep habits also be changed, loss of sleep or too much sleep is often experienced. Poor appetite and overeating are common and may lead to eating disorders. (Busch).
There are several possible theories of where depression comes from, such as bullying, learned patterns of negative thinking, victims of physical abuse, sexual abuse, or mental abuse, and early child...

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...le with whether or not they believe life is worth living, like Dylan Klebold, several of them contemplate suicide. Many will take action and may or may not succeed. Whether they choose to attempt suicide or not they suffer from intense sadness and the feeling or worthlessness. Depression can lead to several things like violence or suicide or even murder. The causes of the intense anger that lead to violent outbursts is very dangerous.

Works Cited

Bonin, Liza, PhD. "Patient Information: Depression in Adolescents (Beyond the Basics)." N.p., n.d. Web.
Busch, Fredric N. "Anger and Depression." Advances in Psychiatric Treatment. N.p., 2009. Web.
Mayo Clinic Staff. "Teen Depression." Mayo Clinic. N.p., 07 Nov. 2012. Web.
"Myths and Facts." N.p., n.d. Web.
Scott, Paula S. "11 Warning Signs of Depression." N.p., 16 Feb. 2012. Web.

"Suicide Statistics." N.p., n.d. Web.

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