Technology In The 60s Essay

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Technology in the 60s! In the 60s, Technology is advancing my the year by creating the first internet, a better lamp, starting new sitcoms like sesame street, and much much more. But without all of these inventions, none of the above inventions cloud have been invented. Through the 60s and 70s, RAM was the leading memory storage. But this one simple invention has changed everything about the RAM. RAM(random access memory) was known for being big, bulky, and power hungry( Because of that, the RAM could not be used to it's fullest. Robert Dennard also saw this, so he started to create a chip that can hold hundreds of thousands of RAM inside the one simple invention, the DRAM stick( Being so small, it also created the solution for its messiness with wires and …show more content…

But what good is a computer without the internet to surf? Well ARPAnet solved that problem making it the very first usable internet. ARPA stands for the Advanced Research Projects Agency. ARPAnet wasn't really a public internet, it was used to carry and protect military informations. Because of this, only 4 computers were connected to ARPAnet( But Charles M. Herzfeld, the former director of ARPA, claimed that ARPAnet was not created due to military needs, but rather “came out of our frustration that there were only a limited number of large, powerful research computers in the country( October 1969, the first ARPANET communications were sent between Kleinrock's lab at UCLA and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) under the direction of Elizabeth Feinler. This proved that it was possible to contact someone via computer using ARPAnet( But because this ARPAnet was only a small thing for the “military”(people disagree), by 1969, they only managed to have 3 more computer in California, Santa Barbara, and

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