Technology In Schools: Article Analysis

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Every day we deal with technology whether it is checking our phones or typing a paper. People these days cannot live without their phone in their pocket. Although this might sound like a bad thing it is not, technology has many extremely useful benefits but also some downfalls. We see in Sources A, B, and D many ways that technology has been introduced into schools that are very beneficial but these schools must also be careful due to the fact that technology can also be harmful. In Source A, Arthus H. Rotstein talks about a school that completely got rid of textbooks and gave each of the students an iBook to learn from. All 340 students at Empire High School received the Apple Computer. Although this might be controversial due to many people feeling as though children might get distracted more easily using computer or not be able to learn as well without using traditional …show more content…

Delaney explains that technology allows, “the educators...interact with students, parents and each other in ways they never have before.” The teachers are able to stay in contact with a student even when they are not at school. When a kid is sick and misses a day of school he no longer falls behind but is able to keep up with the help of technology. He also explains that technology not only helps the connection between the student and the teacher but also between the student and other students. He explains that teachers now have their students post online their papers so that other students can read over it and help them. This is an extremely powerful tool in the world of education that students and teachers have never had before until now. Although these new methods of learning are cutting edge and extremely beneficial they also have the recoil of the struggle of having adults and teachers who did not grow up with technology not being able to communicate with the students of

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