Team Sport - Original Writing

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Team Sport - Original Writing

His stomach was like a helicopter, churning around nervously. The

palms of his hands were shaking in an irritable manner and in all

truthfulness; he probably had the right to be so nervous. The period

that was next was the one he had been dreading all morning. It was the

first lesson of his new school and it was sport! He heard the last

bell for class and painfully sauntered into the roomy school gym.

‘God’ he thought, ‘I hate team sports.’ He remembered at his old

school how, nerve-racking it felt to be picked last! He thought that

now it would be even worse being the new kid.

About fifty, different sized boys were standing in a restless random

fashion. Some were shouting, trying to prove their side in an

argument, others were wrestling each other on the rugged, aged gym

floor. One group was sitting quietly, contemplating some math theory

they developed, but most of the boys were making clamorous, heavy

noises. Obviously, the teacher was not present.

As he walked in most of the boys’ attentions were changed to him. Some

of the more insecure boys snickered and laughed savagely at him,

pulling faces. Others were surprised, because they had never seen him

before. He was obviously new. He stood there tensely, playing with his

untidy, white-blond hair. He was attempting to act as if he wasn’t the

centre of attention, and that he wasn’t at all nervous and sensitive.

It wasn’t really working out, because about fifty boys’ eyes glued to

him like couch potatoes watching television, watching his every


He was in luck though, because the broad, glass double-door of the gym

swung open. Every boy looked at the person who entered the gym. When

they realised that it was the teacher, they started to groan. They

didn’t want another lengthy, tiresome school year to start. But, some

of their faces were excited at having such a teacher that was so

young, that she was straight out of uni.

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