Tattoos Today Essay

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Tattoos Today As culture changes, workplaces accept it, and technology perfects it, the tattoo industry will only continue to expand and grow beyond new heights. The tattoo industry has grown in recent history due to cultural change and acceptance of tattoos, this ideology has become more common. The media has been a huge part of downplaying how “unacceptable” tattoos are in day to day life. This industry will continue to grow as the view of tattoos transitions from being the look of criminals to the look of a normal middle-class American. Tattoos in recent years have become a huge cultural representation of who one is as a person. It has been a widespread epidemic in pop culture that took the media by storm. “Today at least 36 percent of …show more content…

With the growth of this cultural acceptance also came the diminishment of the taboo of tattoos as whole. The way that one presents themselves in the workplace has always been the number one thing people search for, a prospective employees first impression is mostly appearance. Tattoos, along with other body modifications, have always caused mixed reactions (Pearlman). Tattoos have always been a possibility for a negative impact when shown off in the workplace. Concerns a company might have could be that the tattooed employee wont be taken seriously by more traditional minded clients, or that the body branding could pose a negative image on the company, possibly even perceived as vulgar or hostile. Due to the exponential growth of tattoos in media this negative impact is no longer as big of a factor. Employers are more concerned with the quality of the worker rather than the image he/she portrays. Another huge reason for the growth of this historically taboo industry is that technology is moving extremely fast and these breakthroughs are going to lead to the next generation of how someone acquires these

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