Taekwondo Accomplishments

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The goals that were accomplished when I began TaekwonDo were to become a black belt. Also, to become physically healthy, and to be the best student that I can be. As a white belt in little tigers class I accomplished learning my first techniques 1, 2, and 3 my breaking techniques and kicking techniques and counting to ten in Korean. I also learned basic stands in Taekwondo. I encouraged myself even if I was tired, or sick and didn’t want to go to practice some days of the week also because I practiced very hard. These goals were accomplished how, because I learned at every class I attended, also my coaches taught me as soon as I started Taekwondo. The words of support from my instructors, are “to do my best,” “try your hardest.” …show more content…

The opportunity has also allowed me to defend myself when needed in case of an emergency I am also respectful of others and encourage others in school. Taekwondo has also allowed me to focus and concentrate on school tests projects, and artwork. In school when I take a test I get nervous, but I remember the confidence I have learned in Taekwondo and use it to support me during the school test to pass with high scores. In my class when distractions are around I can’t focus but I remember to focus on my objective from Taekwondo then I block out my distractions and finish my …show more content…

At home when I go downstairs to the den I start to fear of the dark, but I remember confidence in the practice of Taekwondo then I go downstairs to complete my task without fear. At home when the TV is on I get distracted from my homework, projects or chores then I remember focus from Taekwondo then I complete one of the three tasks on time. Most importantly, every day of the week I work hard to be the best person that I can be. The words I remember in every aspect of my life are from my coaches with supportive words told to me in every class by saying “never to give up and to do your best’’ to help me try my best to do my hardest and to never give up and to help me pass each

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