Tactics In Hitler And Stali

1012 Words3 Pages

Zachary Stewart
Mrs. Knopf
B6 April 10,2014
Senior Paper
During WWII there were many tactics used in trying to gain control of the war but none were as effective as Hitler and the Nazis and Stalin and the Soviets.
In fact both Hitler and Stalin used similar tactics for the war. Both used concentration camps; they both gained control of their country’s government so they could make their own laws, and the third tactic they used was trying to take control of more land in order to have a bigger and better military base.
One of the biggest tactics used during WWII that both Hitler and Stalin had in common was the concentration camp. Stalin’s concentration camps were called Gulag’s and Hitler’s were just called concentration camps. Regular people that committed crimes were sent to the gulags; rapist, murderers, robbers and thieves spent their sentences in the gulags, also political prisoners were sent to the gulags so they couldn’t pose a threat to Stalin and over throw his power. Hitler’s concentration camps were designed mainly for the Jews that Hitler kicked out of Germany and that he captured in Poland. Hitler vied the Jews and a disgusting race and that they had to be destroy because the Germans were and Aryan race and the Jewish population was not Aryan. (“A drop of Jewish blood ruins the whole race”) There were two types of concentration camps that Hitler had, one of the camps that Hitler had was the work camp and then he had the death camps. There were requirements in order to be in the work camps and no sent to the death camps, you had to be young and you had to be able to work. Anyone that was old or had a handicap was sent to the death camps, and if you were a mother with children you were sent to the death cam...

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...t the U.S would continue there fight with Japan and not focus on the Germans, but what Hitler didn’t know was that The U.S would join forces with the Russians and the British. When they did this they helped the Russians beat Germany and gain back control of The USSR (“BBC History”).
During WWII there were many great tactics that all the countries leaders had, weather it was japans attack on Pearl Harbor in Dec 7, 1941 or weather it was the united forces of Stalin, Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill to form the power three. But no tactics were quite as impressive as the tactics that Hitler and Stalin had. They used propaganda and the loyalty of there men to help them dominant the war. These two leaders had what in their minds the greatest way to help their countries. If these leaders wouldn’t have made so many mistakes during the war they could have won the war.

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