TOK Imagination Essay

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Imagination is the ability to be creative and understanding in everyday circumstances. Although imagination can be, at times, extremely inaccurate and unrealistic, it provides us with the ability to advance technology, further education, and resolve a wide range of conflict. Thus, imagination can aid in the production of knowledge about the reality of the world, and can practically contribute absolutely nothing to the perseverance of knowledge. Furthermore, this can potentially play a significant role in the understanding of others. However, in all cases relating to the Theory of Knowledge, the answer is explicitly dependent on the situation and the person involved.
Imagination can produce knowledge concerning the reality of the world we live in by creating falsities and ingenious ideas. A prime example is the period of unconsciousness in which we experience a vivid dream through our imaginational abilities. As an individual who experiences extremely vivid and somewhat frightening dreams, key factors play into the discovery that dreams are in fact dreams and not a unique reality experience. As a young child I imagined one night in my slumber that my mother transformed into an evil and harmful black shadow after asking me what I wanted to wear the following day for school upon the bathroom floor. Of course to a young child, this was a frightening yet partially realistic experience. The bathroom and my mother were both uncannily realistic; however the duration of my mother’s transformation and the physical change were unbelievable in retrospect to the entire nightmare, the transition being too fast (as it takes at least a week or more for one to notice significant bodily changes) and the change being humanly impossible.
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...ts society’s need to shovel itself out of the hole it built for itself. Imagination affects people’s perception of the world and if one is extremely passionate about Duchamp’s art career, it may be extremely difficult for another person to view and understand this perspective to be of merit.
In conclusion, imagination is the ability to be creative and understanding in everyday circumstances. Although usually extremely relatable and useful, it can sometimes be exceptionally unrealistic and inaccurate. With the intertwining of memory, sense perception, and emotion, imagination is created and hence can be biased to a certain individual’s perspective. This concept can play a significant role in the resurrection of businesses, global conflict, and international conservational issues; however it can be practically useless overall due to the dependency on the individual.

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