Synopsis Of The Movie 'Rebel Without A Cause'

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Johan Henna
Professor Kaster
AMH – 2020
October 9, 2014
Rebel Without A Cause Throughout history, time after time again, men are faced with the dilemma of proving their worthiness to the next man. This issue is something that has gone on for centuries and something that will continue on for every century that man is still alive. Alongside this issue that many, if not all, men are faced with, many woman are faced with the issue of gender roles. The movie “Rebel Without A Cause” came out in 1955, it shows a realistic portrayal of a young, middle class teenager fighting to earn his worth in society and within his group of peers. Throughout the movie it also shows how gender roles were beginning to change, woman may not always be expected to …show more content…

At this time America was in a great period of post war prosperity, it was an easy time to live in. World War Two had just previously ended in 1945. This caused the middle class to be richer than ever before. Men were just starting to get their GI Bills to use to go to college, something that would have never been possible to do before without it. Families of veterans were also being allotted VA mortgage rates, making prices of homes much cheaper and attainable. In other words, people were finally able to start purchasing homes, this is how the suburbs became very popular. A lot was changing for the better in the 1950’s. Hugh Hefner launched the first edition of playboy in 1953, Disneyland, the first theme park for both parents and children to enjoy, had opened in 1955, and Elvis Presley became a popular name in Rock and Roll. After 1954 TV became popular, more than ever before. More than half of the American population had a TV in their home. Jackie Robinson led the Dodgers to a victory in the World Series in 1955. Brown vs Board of education took place in 1954, which put an end to the legal separation of races in public schools. Which then lead to little rock nine in 1957 which placed nine African American children in a primarily white school in an attempt to being integrating the schools and the students. The Korean War and Cold War also took place in this decade. The Korean War began in …show more content…

For centuries men have partaken in duels to earn their respect. Disrespecting and belittling a man was considered a high grade of disrespect. “A man may shoot the man who invades his character, as he may shoot him who attempts to break into his own house” Samuel Johnson. This portrays that disrespecting a man’s honor was just as degrading and discourteous as if one were to break into his home. Men are prideful beings and may do just about anything to obtain and keep their pride. This could explain to one why Jim takes such strides to achieve this. It also may explain why he gets so furious when his father can’t and won’t do the

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