Symbolism In The Secret Life Of Bees

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A symbol in The Secret Life of Bees is the queen bee, one is found in all hives especially the Caribbean Pink Hive in Tiburon, South Carolina. The queen bee refers to a mated female that lives in the hive; she is usually a mother to most if not all the bees in the beehive. This symbol represents not just the bees hives that the Boatwrights work with, but also August Boatwright herself. The queen bee is a mother to all the bees in the hive just as August is for Lily, Rosaleen, June, and May, sometimes the mother you are born to is not truly meant to be your mother. August Boatwright is queen bee, without a doubt she is a powerful lady who with grace raises her sisters, and easily takes in Lily and Rosaleen even when others had doubts and questions about bringing them into the hive that is her Caribbean Pink house. A queen bee cares for all; cares for thousands of daughters and sons. Lily didn’t chose to …show more content…

Her coming into August’s life strengthened August’s maternal ways and made her into the queen bee of the hive. Lily is at peace with her life thanks to the queen bee who affects a range of people beyond just those associated with her. Lily near the end of book explains that “I know it is an absurd thought, but I believe in the goodness of imagination. Sometimes I imagine a package will come from him (T.Ray) at Christmastime- and in his card he will write, “Love, T.Ray.” He will used the word “love,” and the world will not stop spinning but go right on in its courses, like the river, like the bees, like everything.- and here I am in the pink house. I wake up to wonder everyday.”( Monk Kidd 300). This shows just how little love and affection Lily has experienced from her father and why didn’t just want but rather needed to find a mother, even if it wasn’t her real mother. Even though she found that love she had always want, it didn’t hurt any less to not have her

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