Symbolism Of The Color Blue In Thirteen Reasons Why

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What does the color blue represent? The theme of the book, Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, is the color blue. Blue is used to represent sadness. In Thirteen Reasons Why, blue is mentioned many times, mostly from Hannah Baker, one of the main characters of the book. Hannah Baker used blue multiple times throughout the entire novel to represent her emotions and her feelings. Blue is mentioned consistently in the book to show emotions and is the main theme that the author shows in the story. First, an example of the theme blue in the book Thirteen Reasons Why is, “‘With her bike. The one she always rode to school’ The blue one,’ I say,” (233). This quote relates to the theme of blue. This is because Hannah starts to use blue more to show her depression and her feelings of sadness. Also, this quote shows that a lot of her possessions are blue. She is starting to give away more of her possessions in the book which could be a signal of suicide. In the story, the main character Clay Jensen is noticing more of the signs of her consistent thoughts of suicide that she sent before she took her life. …show more content…

You saw me. And there, in your eyes, what was it? Sadness? Pain? You moved around me and tried pushing your hair away from your face. Your fingernails were painted dark blue” (259). As Hannah is starting to think about suicide and she is showing more signs of it. She has changed her appearance, her impression on other people, and her fingernails are painted a dark blue. The dark blue could represent that she is feeling depressed and is dispirited with the things happening in her life. At this point in the story, Hannah is getting closer to her suicide and Clay is noticing the change in her appearance and how she used the color blue to represent her sadness. She feels as though nobody understands or knows what she is going through and how she is

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