Symbolism Of Mother

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Mother is love, she is what we children the offspring call the one who raised us, gave birth to us, took care of us protected us from all evil, did anything in their power to keep us happy and well nourished. Ones mother is responsible for making her child the little monster they are today. Moms love unconditionally and will make everything better with her warm smiles, or in someone 's case her corny jokes. A mother is what children, people all around the world recognize as power, all love, a treasure. No matter who they are, they will always have someone who can be recognized as a mother, mom, momma, mum, etc. For example Ashley has a biological mother and then she also has two other wonderful women she would also consider to be her mother. …show more content…

In the bible the Virgin Mary who is seen as the holy mother. She is who people look for when they need to be graced with bliss and forgiveness. Mother is what it stands for maternal. Mother has many definitions not all good. Someone can see mother or mom as an evil, a sign of abandonment. Not everyone shares the same views of a mother. There are people who don 't have a mother, the women who gave birth to them, but have moms who don 't necessarily have to be the women who gave birth to them, it could be their aunt who raised them, maybe a grandmother, popular in Hispanic …show more content…

In a way choosing this word has given me a insight on the word mother and its meaning its adaption. I was one of the few who had many mothers, my biological mother who I love more than anything but also my aunt and grandma who I 'm sure know me better then I know myself. Women are strong creatures who are capable of anything, and being a mother if a gift, it 's a challenge itself. When you think of the word mother you think of your mom she is the first thing that pops into your head because she is the first and only example you have of a mother and what she stands for, its power and

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