Symbolism In The Road By Irmac Mccarthy

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The two main characters the man or Papa and the boy face many problems during their travels but the biggest problem they have is the cold. This is because they cannot find enough supplies to keep them warm and its only getting colder. “They lay there for a long time but they were freezing...”(McCarthy 65) The cold forces them to start heading south in hopes of finding warmer climates. An example of their problem with the cold is, “And we`re still going south right. Yes, to be warm.” (McCarthy 17) They need to head south for hopes of finding food and other rations. Finally, I would not do much different from what the man did. This is because it’s the most logical thing to do in their situation. The only thing I would do differently is save up more food and supplies then they did because they left a lot of food behind and had a lot of situations where they could have starved. Their solution to …show more content…

The biggest symbol would be the road ironically this is because the road has not been destroyed by any of the natural disasters. This is a symbol of hope for the man and the boy. It`s also a reason for them to keep going and surviving if they can. While the road may be the most obvious symbol in the novel I feel that it is the most important too. This is because their entire journey is based around the road and their will to survive. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and found it very amusing. This is because there are many vivid details and it’s easy to get immersed in the book as if you were there. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys dystopian and science fiction books because that’s exactly what the book is about. The genre of “The Road” would be post-apocalyptic fiction. This is because as the genre says takes place in a post-apocalyptic world following the story of a man and his son. In conclusion “The Road” is a good read for anyone who enjoys sitting down, reading for a while and getting really involved with a

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