Symbolism In The Quest Of The Holy Grail

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An unknown author wrote The Quest of the Holy Grail in the thirteenth century. The story is known as an allegory and as well as an Arthurian tale because it is about King Arthur, his court at Camelot, and the Knights of the Round Table. This story has become the central theme of Arthurian literature and has become a major Christian symbol. It is known as having a place in the canon of spiritual literature, and on the shelves reserved for works of popular appeal. The story is also looked at as a spiritual fable. The reason for this Christian symbolization and putting it under the Christian genre is because it deals with the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail was the cup Christ used at the Last Supper before he was crucified. And in this story …show more content…

A mysterious maiden arrived asking for Lancelot to follow her into the forest. He agreed and rode out with her to a nunnery, where his cousins were also staying. He was then asked to knight a young man, Galahad which Lancelot agreed and knighted the young man. He rode back to the castle with his cousins and they thought that young man looked a lot like Lancelot and could be his son from Elaine. When they returned to the castle they met at the Round Table and when Lancelot took his seat he saw inscribed on the Seat of Danger, “Four Hundred and Fifty Years Have Passed Since The Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ: And On The Day Of Pentecost This Seat Shall Find Its Master.” This meant that someone is destined to fulfill that seat but they don’t know who will. Until an elderly knight …show more content…

He was pure of heart, and refrained from much temptation in order to pursue more heavenly ideals, whereas Lancelot, Galahad’s father, had been more charismatic and charming. While seeking out for the Holy Grail, many of Arthur's knights returned badly wounded, or worse. Because of this Bors, Perceval and Galahad went out in search for it instead. They traveled to Corbenic by ship to seek out Galahad's grandfather, King

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