Symbolism In The Fountainhead, By Ayn Rand

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In the Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, Dominique Francon was a strong, powerful, highly intelligent, cold and radiantly beautiful woman that believed that good could never conquer evil and she simply hated everyone. She had never believed that she could have met her match, until she met Roark because he surpassed her in every aspect. She recognizes the greatness that is of Howard Roark but she does not believe that he will be able to survive in the society that they live in so she tries to destroy him before society has the chance.Dominique surrounds herself with things and people with she despises because she wants to avoid watching society destroy things that she truly loves; like Howard Roark. She does everything she can to destroy his career before society gets the chance to do it itself She is portrayed as the type of person who is constantly dissatisfied with the world around her. Their whole relationship was a power struggle. Until they slept together, Dominique began to realize that she could never dominate him. He had to prove his dominance to her, something that she had yet to ex...

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