Symbolism In The Five People You Meet In Heaven

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In the novella The Five People You Meet in Heaven, the author, Mitch Albom, uses symbolism throughout the story. The novella tells about an old maintenance man at Ruby Pier, Eddie, who gets killed while saving a girl from a falling roller coaster. Following his death, Eddie enters heaven where he meets five people who have all impacted him in his life. The use of symbolism provides a greater sense of meaning to what is written, beyond what has been described. Albom uses symbolism in the story to help teach the reader valuable life lessons. The people Eddie meets in heaven all symbolize important life lessons. Eddie meets the Blue Man, Captain, Ruby, Marguerite, and Tala.
The first person Eddie meets in heaven is the Blue Man. The Blue Man used to work at Ruby Pier in the show The Curious Citizens. When Eddie was a little boy, he ran into the street to retrieve an overthrown baseball. While retrieving it, Eddie ran in front of an automobile driven by the Blue Man. The Blue Man …show more content…

Eddie’s workplace, Ruby Pier, was named after Ruby. Eddie and his father had not spoken for years before his father’s death. They had grown apart and hatred had filled their relationship. Ruby showed Eddie what his father had went through and what had caused his death. Ruby wanted Eddie to forgive his father. Ruby said, “Holding anger is a poison” (Albom 141). Ruby symbolizes the importance of forgiveness in life. Not forgiving others inflicts harm on oneself as well as the other person.
Eddie then meets the love of his life, Marguerite. Marguerite symbolizes the importance of love. When Marguerite passed away at a young age, Eddie felt like he lost her love. Margureite explained to Eddie that “Lost love is still love” (Albom 173). The love may take a different form, but it is still love. Marguerite also taught Eddie that true love is in the inside. When Marguerite wasn’t there to be with Eddie, their love for each other still remained inside

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