Ruby Pier Symbolism

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Ruby pier is different from the modern day, sleek, refined powerhouse of American amusement parks. Ruby pier is more of a cheap fun way to experience a fun day off or a date whereas modern day amusement parks are day long commitments meant to maximise profits and provide a more focused and in depth experience pertaining to the parks “theme”.

What Albom ment by the statement that the protagonist, Eddie existed in a “weary state of acceptance” was that Eddie accepted his fate, his life. No matter how much he had resented it, no matter how long he had fought to change it eventually it wore Eddie down and he had finally accepted who and what he was.

The interesting literary devices of using the protagonists birthdays illuminates details of Eddie’s character by giving us backstory about Eddie’s home life as well as character development as to what type of person Eddie develops into over time in a …show more content…

Ruby - Eddie hated his father for abusing him and causing trauma that Eddie felt ruined his life. Even after his father passed, Eddie could never seem to let go of the anger and resentment that he held towards his father; rather, Eddie still hated and resented his father after his death so much so, that it seemed to still ruin Eddie's happiness. While in heaven, Ruby teaches Eddie to let go of his anger and to forgive his father. d. Marguerite - Although Eddie was a miserable man throughout the course of his existence, his love, Marguerite was the one thing that made him happy. After she died, Eddie felt empty and lost without her. When he meets Marguerite in heaven she explains to him that, even after death, she had always loved Eddie. Eddie learns that although life may end love is forever. e. Tala - There's always a purpose to your life. You live for the same reason the way that some people die for some reasons. Where you are today is a combination of all your past actions, decisions, as well as those of the people around you and how they have affected

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