Symbolism In Ernest Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants?

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Ernest Hemingway's short story “Hills like White Elephants contains symbolism of the future of the couple due to the pregnancy. The couple is sitting outside of a train station in Spain waiting to go to Madrid. Many people go through what they did during this time period. A young couple is struggling about their futures and can't decide what it is that is best for them. Throughout the story jig is constantly debating whether or not she is going to have an abortion. In her mind she knows that she is most likely going to get an abortion because of her boyfriend the American. She does not show her feelings externally. She shows opposition to her boyfriend to hide her true feelings. Abortion is meant to “keep women from seeking timely treatment.”(Katha, Pollitt) The time isn’t …show more content…

Through the story the light of the sun is gradually spread all around. Light can be seen as harsh such like the truth and honesty. Neither Jig or the American are willing to face that. Instead, the two rather avoid discussing the problem. Neither have the strength to face the issue of the abortion head on. As a result, they discuss everything except the reality of their problem which crumbles their relationship. Avoiding the light as the man and girl do is portrayed as destructive. Jig comments on the curtain with an ad on it that Hemingway mentions, bars curtain “made of strings of bamboo beads."(Hemingway) While the American and Jig speak she reaches out to go touch the beads. The girl reaching out to the beads symbolizes emotional support and comfort. In Roman Catholicism a “rosary is a string of beads used during prayers in some religions” The girl may be asking for forgiveness from

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