Sweatshops In Third World Countries

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Women and children are soaking in their sweat standing for almost 12 hours inside a scorching, hot building while working non-stop. They barely had food to eat for the day and little rest. Young children have even severely injured themselves using the machines to build various products that we use day-to-day. These are the conditions that sweatshop workers experience every single day. From the shoes and shirts we wear to the toys that little children play, these products were all made from sweatshops all around the world. People in third world countries only find sweatshops as their only option to provide food and money for their families. Companies have profited enormous amounts of money by employing underprivileged people to build their products for cheap prices and exposing them in very dangerous and inhumane conditions. These sweatshops must be removed and illegalized, and at the same time, provide better alternatives for these people. Even though sweatshops somewhat boost businesses and provide for families, they are very oppressive and unsympathetic. Nike, a billion dollar company, is notorious for hiring laborers from other countries like Vietnam and Indonesia to make their shoes. Workers are abused …show more content…

Managers take advantage of children’s nimble and fast hands. They also exploit little children because of the fact that they do not need to pay them higher wages. Managers feel like children are more vulnerable and can be easily manipulated because of their young age and lack of wisdom. Women, who make up of more than 80% of sweatshops, are also severely maltreated. Some women are illegally trafficked and sold to sweatshop owners where they are forced to work and endure horrible conditions. Some require women workers to take birth control pills so that sweatshops avoid having to pay for their medical bills and also lose workers from maternity

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