Swaledale: A Short Story

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Nothing compares to the thrill of going for a walk. Even the sofa, which makes a great trampoline, has to take second place. As soon as I hear the master call, ‘Come on Meg, let’s go!’ I’m doing my warming-up, at the door. I never know where the master is taking me and, sometimes, I don’t think he does either! We’ve visited some of this island’s most beautiful countryside. But, for me, our walks in Swaledale will always be treasured. I have many happy memories; rolling in the warm grass of the lovely hay meadows and brushing my coat in the sweet smelling flowers, the woodland glades where I often found the scent of a rabbit, and the many thirst quenching rivers and streams with their spectacular waterfalls. One thing that always amazes me is the amount of time it takes the master to get ready for our walks, especially if it’s raining. He puts on his waterproof coat and trousers, a silly hat and leggings, he certainly doesn’t like getting wet! Whereas I’m ready to go out in seconds, regardless of the weather. Although I do wear my waterproof coat sometimes. …show more content…

He was carrying his own personal items in doggy-panniers. Typically, the master said, ‘I’ll have to get some of those for you, eh Meg?’ In your dreams buster, I’ve got my paws full carrying you! Eventually we arrive at the destination for our walk and then we travel for miles across the countryside, only to sit down in the dirt to have our lunch. Never really understood this, after all we do have a well equipped dining room at home. The master takes out his flask and sandwiches, he gives me my share saying, ‘Take your time’. After finishing my lunch I always show my appreciation with a burp. The master laughs and says, ‘Pardon you Meg’. Then I hug him with my eyes, asking, ‘Please can I have some more?’ Well it’s always worth a

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