Susanna Borderline Personality Disorder

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Although, Susanna was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I would like to make the case that she was misdiagnosed as while she exhibits some symptoms of the disorder, she doesn’t actually meet the diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder. According to the DSM-5, borderline personality disorder is “a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts” (Diagnostic and Statistical). In order to have the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder an individual must meet five or more of the criteria as stated by DSM-5. Yet, Susanna only meets three of the diagnostic criteria for borderline …show more content…

As detailed earlier, Susanna felt chronic emptiness and boredom because she felt she was living a life based on the incapacities of things she couldn’t or didn’t want to do instead of one where her parents and teachers would acknowledge and accept what she did do well. As well, Susanna does not meet the fourth diagnostic criterion for borderline personality disorder. As although she fits the self-damaging impulsivity of having sex with various partners due to her overly promiscuous behavior. She doesn’t have another potentially self-damaging area to meet the minimum of at least two self-damaging areas thus she does not meet this …show more content…

Therefore, she felt chronically empty and bored on the inside. For the eighth criterion, she does not meet this as Susanna was very passive in the way she dealt with feeling alienated. Instead of having intense anger or recurrent physical fights with others who she felt didn’t understand her, she simply withdrew from everything which is why she was very detached with others. Lastly, she does not meet the ninth criterion for borderline personality disorder as she never experienced any dissociative symptoms. For the most part, Susanna was very conscious of the pain that she was feeling and as detailed earlier in the description section went about connecting to her pain by self-harming herself to essentially outwardly showcase the suffering she was feeling on the

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