Girl Interrupted Abnormal Psychology

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Girl Interrupted: A Girl Walking the Thin Line Between Sane and Crazy Mackenzie McNabb Fort Mill High School Living in a mental hospital for almost two years, Susanna Kaysen wonders why she is there and if she belongs there. Without getting any true answers from her doctors, she struggles to accept her disorder and working to get rid of it. The movie, Girl Interrupted is full of psychological principles I’ve learned throughout the year, which play a role in how Susanna grows as a character. Besides the fact that Susanna has a Borderline Personality Disorder, she is a victim of conformity and self-fulfilling prophecies. These principles are what determine if Susanna is sane or not, and if she will be able to come …show more content…

One of the bigs ones being, conformity. Conformity is changing your behaviors to fit that of the groups. We do it because we don’t want to seem foolish or look different. There are two major types of Conformity. Normative influence, or the tendency to conform to gain social acceptance; and informational influence, which is to get useful information from others that’s beneficial to you. Different factors can influence how much you conform; how big the group size is, group unamity, or that you admire someone else in the group (Conformity, 2016). Susanna was easily swayed by a lot of people in the novel and conformed to whatever others were doing. When all of her friends wanted to go deep in the hospital for a game of bowling, Susanna followed. Defiance was not something that Susanna showed before being admitted into Claymoore. Although she did not conform to the idea of college and chose to be a writer, she never went against any other social norms. Once arriving to Claymoore she constantly bent the rules and followed whatever the other patients did there. Normative Social Influence plays a huge role here. One patient inspecific was Lisa, who could easily persuade people. Susanna was attracted to Lisa which could have lead her to conform more easily. Susanna followed whatever Lisa told her to do. For example, when she saw Lisa tongue her pills she …show more content…

Although she suffered from a personality disorder I believe she would have been better off not going into Claymoore. There she experienced conformity and the self-fulfilling prophecy that I believe set her back from getting better. By conforming to the mental patients around her and not acting as her normal self, Susanna was seen as crazy. Her relationship with Lisa was extremely unhealthy and was another obstacle that Susanna overcame. By also overcoming the obstacle of accepting her disorder, Susanna was able to ultimately leave Claymoore. The movie, Girl Interrupted, showed me the hardships of being labeled with a mental disorder. Is showed the struggles of being accepted by others and accepting yourself. Susanna was finally able to accept and move forward, and I believe that was the ultimate sacrifice. By leaving her family and growing past her disorder, Susanna proved to be stronger than the labels pushed upon

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