Surrogate Motherhood Research Paper

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Surrogate Motherhood and Controversial Topics. Jenny Llivicura ASA College Surrogate Motherhood The appropriateness of healthcare services is determined by many factors from the care principles to the ethical and legal guidelines to care. The following paper intends to assess the opinions of the council on ethical and judicial affairs of the AMA on various moral and juridical issues on health care. The paper will also evaluate the pros and cons of the issues while also giving an individual stand on the matters. Abortion Opinion of the council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the AMA Physicians and their advisors would do well to spend time with the entire Code and, especially, the Opinions and the professional papers and articles referred to in the annotations to them. The American Medical Association promulgates a Code of Ethics which includes several components, including very brief statements of general “Principles of Medical Ethics” and “Fundamental Elements of the Patient-Physician Relationship.” …show more content…

Judges and lawyers should look to the AMA Code of Medical Ethics for guidance but not for absolute tests of legality. These Opinions are more likely to speak to the day-to-day legal issues physicians and their lawyers must resolve. The Preamble to the Principles of Medical Ethics in the Code states that those Principles “are not laws, but standards of conduct which establish the essentials of honorable behavior for the physician.” The Opinions state the Council’s views on hot social policy issues such as abortion, the allocation of limited medical resources, end of life care, the commercial use of human tissue and genetic information, and fetal tissue transplantation (Todd,

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