Superman Is My Role Model

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What makes someone a role model? What makes someone worthy of being looked up to? What makes someone become influential? These are all interesting questions that I really wanted to analyze. When I was younger, I never really found myself having a designated "role model." I, of course, had my parents to look up to, but other than that I never really had anyone I wanted to model my life after. It was weird when I was in elementary school and we would have to go around class and say who our role models were; I would always be the one to say something such as, "Superman is my role model" or "I think role models are overrated." Then I got older and started to see people that are doing things I want to do and happy with their lives. And you could probably imagine that it was even weirder for me to hear that some people saw me as a role model. The same person who …show more content…

It was his story. It was hearing that he rose from very little to sit at the highest seat in the nation. After seeing him become the president, I began to want to be just like him. I got really into politics after that. Then that's when I thought about everyone else's role models. The feeling I felt is the same way others felt about who they admire. It's not about the title behind their name. It's about the journey they took to get there. What makes someone a role model is their ability to relate to someone who's in the position they once were in. What makes us admire others is seeing the struggle they endured to get there. Overcoming adversity makes a person that much more inspiring. As I said earlier, the world changes as we get older and our view of it is a lot different than once we first saw it. That's to say the way our views shift is through struggling and fighting to get to where we want to be, which helps us become who we are. That's why our role models need to be people who can prove they are worthy of being

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