James Collier Challenges Essay

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“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Christopher Reeve, the famous actor of the movie Spiderman knows exactly what overcoming obstacles is. After having a devastating horse accident, he remained quadriplegic for nine years. Everyone faces challenges some more difficult than others. For example, Phil Hansen was a famous artist who struggled because of his hand shaking problem could eventually get over it. A very much likely example is, James Collier who was a writer that experienced anxiety and learned now to face it. These two man found a way to deal with their challenges and reaching their goals. When overcoming obstacles people should not let challenges stop them …show more content…

James Collier was a writer that experienced anxiety since a young age. He realized that the more he was having anxiety, the easier it was for him to overcome it. When Collier was a college student he had a hard time dealing with anxiety. Actually, he turned down a trip with his friend to Argentina because of his fears. Collier used to always be worried about upcoming events or situations but, after having anxiety several times he felt more secure and comfortable on taking challenges. Collier said: “You will never eliminate anxiety by avoiding the things that caused it.” As an example, when Collier became a writer, his job required him to interview famous people like Richard Burton, Duke Ellington and, Joan Rivers. Before each interview he would get butterflies and he would shake. Consequently, while doing these frightening interviews he learned that if someone as famous as Duke Ellington got stage fright, he was nobody to avoid them. To tell the truth, traveling used to be one of my biggest fears, I tried to avoid it as much as I could and the first time that I had to travel, I was sweating, shaking and, cold. But as I was traveling more often that anxiety that I felt was gone. Also, speaking in front of an audience used to give headaches, every time I had to do a presentation in front of the class, I would get extremely nervous and end up losing points. These experiences taught that, the more people do what makes them feel apprehensive, the more they will get used to it and get over

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