Superhero In Black Panther

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In the article, “‘ “Black Panther” gives me a personal reason to cheer for a new superhero”’ Brandon T. Harden writes about how the new Marvel superhero movie “Black Panther” alters the world of superheroes. In the beginning of Harden’s article he wrote about how when he was little he loved superheros, but felt inadequate because the heros, both men and women never looked like him (Harden). Harden was saying that there was no black superheroes for him to look up to, now thanks to “Black Panther” there is one. Harden later on states, “‘ “Black Panther” will redefine and expand the world of superheroes... by placing the fate of the world in the hands of a black man.”’ Not only is T’challa the main superhero in the movie black, but the audience

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