Summary: The People Of Santary

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The People of Santary “Hello, Mrs. Spire,” said Callie, making sure she was being polite in front of the mayor. “Are you feeling okay? Because you look a little angry, and I just wanted to make sure that the city of Vancantion was all right and—” “Slow down. Everything is okay. I was just concerned with one person in particular,” said Teresa, looking mad and upset; that is why Callie came to check on her. Strange, Callie thought, because when Teresa said she was concerned with one person, she looked just as mad as she had looked before. At home, she was still puzzling about the mayor and what she was concerned about. The next morning, Callie felt so much different than she had the day before. She was seeing all-green people out her window. She asked her father if he noticed the change …show more content…

The lead person was named Lucian and told Callie all about how they are the guardians of cities and what they do to protect the cities. After days and days of chatting, Lucian told her bad news that Callie couldn’t believe was true, but she knew it had to be. This was what Teresa had been mad about weeks ago. Lucian told her that one of the people who could see the people of Santary was Teresa Spire, and that she was concerned that Lucian and his group were controlling Vancantion, so she was getting very angry. The people of Santary were getting worried about how they were going to defend against Teresa and the army that she was getting ready. Wanting to protect her new friend, Callie went to Mrs. Spire’s office and told Teresa that she found out about the people of Santary and what Teresa wanted to do to them, but Teresa said that she was too late. “I have an army of the other people who can see those people of Santary, and they are on their way to their castle above the clouds. You can’t save them now, Callie. They have no way of defending themselves. They are

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