Summary: The Ethics Of Outsourcing

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Workers anywhere around the world should follow the basic workers rights which are human rights. When people are working, they should not be trying to overwork just to attain a middle class status or a higher status. In the book The Betrayal of the American Dream by Donald Barlett, he says that people “in China usually work from ten to twelve hours a day, sometimes for seven days straight without overtime pay... without break” (Barlett 92). Additionally, “workers frequently endure excessive and forced overtime in order to gain a higher wage” (Barlett 92). He explains that people working in these sweatshops in China, have no workers rights and are punished if they cannot reach their production target. They would need to skip dinner or work on unpaid overtime shifts just to get paid. What some corporations are doing in the world is outrageous and is not ethical at all. Apple Company who buys products from these corporations said …show more content…

Outsourcing is only helping the big corporations in America, the middle class people in different countries, and reducing prices of goods in America. However, if corporations keep outsourcing jobs in America, it will lead to an economic disaster while it will help other countries on the other hand. Due to this, the middle class cannot gain upward mobility of climbing the socioeconomic ladder and will stay at the middle class level or even drop down to the lower class. We need to act now to stop big companies from outsourcing everyone from their jobs. We should go on strike or try to make an impact in America to stop outsourcing. We need to tell the government to pass a bill to make outsourcing illegal or agree with the Federal Trade Adjustment Assistance program. We need to stop this outsourcing before the government won’t be able to handle it which could lead to an economic

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