Summary Of Wretched Of The Earth Fanon

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“Oppression”, “cruelty” and “unjust behavior” are some words I can use to explain the exploitation of colonizers. They heartlessly terrifies the soul of people to colonize them. Have power on them. People suffer through torture and pain to give the more powerful nation there beloved nation. This unjust demand of ruling someone else’s home can only be achieved through violence. No one just gives up their homeland so stronger nations decolonize them, make them weaker, let them suffer for power. My eyes couldn’t watch the painful scenes shown in The battle of Algiers when colonel Matthew was interrogating poor Algierians. Those people were put through unbearable pain. Their bodies were dipped in hot water, they were electrocuted, cut with sharp …show more content…

Force on the other hand is commonly understood what government would use to regulate its laws. Force could be defended by agencies and government. No country would just simply surrender and say “here take us over, we give up!!!” they fight back but being a powerless nation with less ammunition and resources they get wounded in their fights. Dominant nations illegally use “force” to colonize but in reality they are using pure unjust violence. In Wretched of the Earth Fanon discusses that colonists argue that colonialism is used to “civilize” nations. Violence is always used as a tool in the favor of demons to decolonize weaker nations. They claim they are doing better to the natives by taking them over but in reality they are just expanding their own powers by expanding their …show more content…

They let natives suffer through physical pain and leave them with psychological fears and terrors. Those poor people are brainwashed and made more coward because of the threats they have to face. Fanon explains that colonised people have to accept Western culture, values and laws. They are forced and brainwashed to hate themselves and accept themselves as the nation they would be under (European). In battle of Algeria Algerians were called “dirty Arabs” so they would loathe themselves. They were manipulated to let give themselves under France. Their mental and psychological state was shaken by the violence used. Families were separated and killed in front of their eyes. In the movie Battle of Algiers a little kid was hiding terrified, his relative saw him and was calling him towards them but he stood still with no courage to move. He was psychologically impaired and did not have even a little force to move himself. This attempt of decolonization of Algerians only left the them horrified and mentally

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