Summary Of The Outsiders By S. E. Hinton

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Students are reading The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. The Outsiders is a young adult fiction novel. The novel discusses two different social groups, the Greasers, poorer than the middle class, and the Socials, the wealthy kids. Both groups are rivals with one another. During a brawl between the Socials and two Greasers, Ponyboy and Johnny, Johnny kills a Social. Hiding from the consequences of murder, both Ponyboy and Johnny run away and hide in an abandoned church. Johnny comes to terms with his consequences and wishes to turn himself in. After the realization, the Greasers find the church on fire. A few children were playing in the church when flames destroyed it and Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dallas, also a Greaser, run in to save them resulting

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