Summary Of The Noviktiate By Jean Howarth

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The hardships of the need of acceptance from others makes peoples lives complicated and confusing. These hardships affect people differently and each person deals with hardships in different ways. The decisions people make due to hardships can change who they are as a person. Jean Howarth examines the idea of responses to hardship in her short story, “The Novitiate”. She writes about a girl who must go through the hardship of choosing between her brother and her morals. The author utilizes character development to suggest that the need of acceptance can cause people to make difficult decisions in hardships, which can lead to a person breaking their own morals for the satisfaction of others. Initially the girl is naïve and does not understand the reality of the gopher hunt, her only hardship is the yearn for acceptance from her brother. When the girls brother is forced by their mother to take her on a hunting expedition, she feels accepted by him. The girl is constantly “[working] hard to please” her brother because she craves his affection and attention. The girl and her brother have different views of the gopher. The girl sees the gophers as “little dog[s]”, …show more content…

Her brother leaves her alone because he trusts her to be able to deal catch gophers on her own. He showed her how to get gophers and believed in her to get them on her own. As she was “all by herself” she contemplated the hardship she faced and how she would deal with it. The girls “mind went running” as she laid still on the grass to “Judy Craig’s gopher” but that quickly left her mind and all she could think about was the hardship of acceptance from her brother. The girls brother leaving her alone with the job of catching gophers shows that he is finally willing to accept her, but because of this acceptance he expects her to do something against her own morals. The girl was faced with an ambivalent

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