Summary Of The Book 'Crank' By Ellen Hopkins

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The novel I chose this year was “Crank” BY Ellen Hopkins. This book is introduces many topics most don’t like to bring up to children now a days. It is banned in many locations. It is related to drugs, abusive language and sexual moments. The book is about Ellen Hopkins daughter’s drug abuse with crystal meth. In the book she experienced extremely hard moments. She has to try her best to overcome all the darkness in her life. It was very hard to discover an article that experienced similar problems as this book, because most people aren’t open with their drug abuse. Feeling rather embarrassed I understand why some wouldn’t dare. The article I did notice was surprisingly one about Pattie Mallete. Most would know her as Justin Bieber’s mom. She had an extremely difficult childhood that relates to this book which is very astonishing. Pattie Mallete’s sister was struck by a vehicle while crossing the road when she was 5 years old. As in the book she was also raped but instead of once it was consistent. From the youngest age of 3 by a baby sitter, a fries grandfather and a neighborhood boy. This continued till she was about 14 years old. Later on she became so comfortable with it she felt it was a normal thing that accrued. …show more content…

She drank alcohol and smoked marijuana most of the time. And began to shoplift as well. At the age 15 she also started a relationship with Jermey Bieber which lasted for about 4 years. She left home at the age of 16 and supported herself by drug dealing and petty theft as did Kristina at a later age. She experienced many emotions through her teenage years such as depression and suicidal thoughts. These thoughts led her to throw herself in front of a truck one day and which she remembered how her sister died. Which then led to a mental ward where she learned to become Christian and learn

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