Summary Of My Dungeon Shook By James Baldwin

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The United States created a culture that exalted one race over any other. James Baldwin extended his concerns and fears to his nephew, James, about the world he will have to grow up in through a letter titled, My Dungeon Shook. The history of this country and the crimes it has committed ultimately falls on the shoulders of every person who believes they are innocent. Baldwin warns that this society has already determined what opportunities will given to some and what cruel limits will be placed on other, just due to their race. Sadly, this remains true today and without recognizing the devastation that comes from social divides this country is doomed to fail. This letter shows that freedom is not equally declared for all, the best one can do for themselves is what they do for others, and that America will never reach its full potential without accepting its past. …show more content…

“You are not expected to aspire to excellence: you were expected to make peace with mediocrity” (Baldwin, 7). These words were written to show James that he will not be given the same opportunity to succeed as his white country men. Although, these words tap into a truth that has long been known by all: society has unwritten rules that affect each of us and are unescapable. Sadly, these societal norms lead people into mundane lives just because of race. Freedom has been unevenly divided because society does not want to accept that an individual of another race is capable of the same life and future that they

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