Summary Of Letter To America By Margaret Atwood

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“Letter to America”, was written in 2003 and composed by Margaret Atwood. Margaret Atwood was asked by the Nation to write a letter concerning America’s foreign policy. Margaret Atwood is one of the finest poets in Canadian history; therefore, it is difficult to understand why she made so many statements that were not backed up by factual evidence. Margaret Atwood made many statements concerning the actions America has taken over the past fifty five years. She stated America had taken a turn for the worst. She also stated that Canadians had never understood who America was trying to be. This caused her difficulty in writing the letter, because she never understood what was really going on. She made statements such as: we were gutting the constitution, running up record labels of debt, and torching the American economy. Margaret Atwood’s compelling statements towards America’s policies were well written, but lacked the factual evidence it needed to make her statements credible. …show more content…

“You put God on money; though, even then. You had a way of thinking that the things of Caesar were the same as of God”. Margaret Atwood does not state why she thinks like this. What physical evidence is provided to set a firm foundation as to where she can argue her thoughts? Everyday students are to say the “Pledge of Allegiance”, in the pledge it is stated “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. Citizens of America are granted the freedom of religion. Going by what Atwood states, America doesn’t need the freedom of religion because we already think of ourselves as of God. How does America think so arrogantly that we are like God, or better than Him? Here in America, we worship many different forms of religion and many different forms of God. In this statement Margaret Atwood fails to support herself; therefore, her statement can not be

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