Summary Of Jacob Jankowski In Water For Elephants

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Settings Along the Tracks: The Places That Molded Jacob Jankowski in Water For Elephants
People always tell you settings that they were put in that helped mold them into the person they are today. The story of Jacob Jankowski is no different, and his story has many settings that we today could never even possibly imagine. Not only did his story take place in the separate world of a circus but also in the time of the 1920s which were riddled with depression and crime and many people looked for an escape. For many that's what the circus was, for the viewers and the performers. When we first see him, Jacob jumps the circus train as a young man and by the end of the story you see him step off the train as a man who is strong person who's sure of himself. As the story develops, you see Sara Gruen developing the character of Jacob Jankowski in Water for Elephants through settings such as the old folks home, the different train stops …show more content…

“‘What about butter?’ I’m outraged. My mind skips back over the elas weeks, months, and years, trying to remember the last appearance of cream or butter in my life?” (Gruen 110). This very minor thing starts to show what life for him in the home is, miserable. Everything about his life is controlled and he has a hard time adjusting to this new feeling of restriction, which also brings out a very angry side of Jacob. The doctors think he’s depressed and give him medicine, even though he refuses to take it, he is told he has to and eventually gives up fighting it and just accepts taking the medicine. “I cling to my anger with every ounce of humanity left in my ruined body, but it's no use. It slips away, like a wave from shore. I am pondering this sad fact when I realize the blackness of sleep is circling my head” (Gruen ). This was one of the points where you just see Jacob letting go because it’s so much easier than fighting

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