Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children Summary

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In Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, the main character is Jacob Portman. Throughout the book we see Jacob go through a lot of hard times while also trying to convince his parents and his therapist that everything his grandfather told him was real. Jacob started this book as a normal teenager in a small town living with his mom and dad. At the end of the book he’s at a place he never thought he would be in and seeing his grandfather’s stories come to life. Jacob has many obstacles throughout this book and is a perfect example of why you should always believe in yourself. To begin with, Jacob started this story as a normal teenager. He grew up listening to the stories his grandfather told him about strange kids with odd talents that lived on an island. After Jacob witnessed his grandfather get murdered, everyone thought he was crazy and sent him to a therapist. At the beginning of the story Jacob was angry the people he loved didn’t believe him and depressed. Jacob’s therapist recommended a trip to the island Jacob’s grandfather had always talked about. Jacob never expected to see his grandfather’s stories come to life. …show more content…

After a visit to the house Jacob’s grandfather told him about he discovered his grandfather was right and the stories weren’t so crazy after all. This left Jacob more confused than ever and he was left to find out the rest of his grandfather’s story. Jacob and the peculiar children fight off hollowgast and wights and soon realize Jacob belongs on the island. He soon has to decide to stay on the island or return to his home and leave behind the people he grew so close to. By the end of the book Jacob has made his decision but is left uncertain about his future and wondering how he and his friends will find another

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