Summary Of How To Tame A Wild Tongue

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In the essay, “How To Tame A Wild Tongue”, by Gloria Anzaldua and the essay, “Mother Tongue”, by Amy Tan, the writers explore the use of language to demean other people. Amy Tan’s essay focuses on how some people look down on others who do not speak English without an accent. Anzaldua’s essay focuses on how people do not have a broad view of language and often look down upon others who do not speak the language that they speak. The essays both acknowledge how people often exalt their own language while demeaning other languages because the people want to look more powerful by giving their own language correctness while discrediting the language of others. People are often uncomfortable or even outright hostile towards people who speak a different …show more content…

According to Tan, “ But they seem just as bad, as if everything is limited, including people’s perceptions of the limited English speaker”(Tan 2). People think that the English language is concrete, but there is not a truly correct form of English. The people take their opinions very seriously when they consider their views to be factual. Whenever someone challenges their language, they take it has a personal attack on their own views and intelligence. They then regard the person has inferior to them in order to make their views seem correct because if the others are correct, then their own views are illegitimate and they seem less powerful. People sometimes give correctness power, so many people try to portray their own views has correct to give themselves the illusion of power. Differences in accent or language are easy targets for people who want to seem more powerful, since the culture of many countries, specifically the United States, is condescending. According to Anzaldua, ‘we internalize how our language has been used against us by the dominant culture, we use our language differences against each other”(Anzaldua 34). The people believe that their own language is better than the other. It is because they were raised to believe that they were speaking the best language. Anyone who goes against their concrete views is concretely wrong, for there cannot be anything wrong with a concrete fact. People fail to view that perspectives and differences are not facts, they are not true or better. The people want to naturally seem correct because looking correct over someone else’s idea gains them power superior to that of the other

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